References and Resources for Trainees

Antiretroviral Reimbursement


CHAP101 Learning Series

The CHAP101 Learning Series is supported via an educational grant from Merck Canada. The presentations were independently developed and reflect the opinions of the presenter (L. Robinson).

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To promote cross-country sharing of experiences and information to improve patient care.

To develop practical, clinical guidelines on the role of the pharmacist in caring for patients with HIV and/or viral hepatitis.

To collaborate on research protocols which demonstrate positive drug-related outcomes.

To share continuing education resources, in order to make information on HIV and/or viral hepatitis drug therapy more accessible to community, hospital and ambulatory pharmacists, as well as patients.

To foster the development of HIV and/or viral hepatitis pharmacist mentors.

To promote the pharmacists role in HIV and/or viral hepatitis therapeutics on a national level.