To meet with resident at the beginning of the rotation to review the goals, objectives and activities of the rotation.
To ensure that the designated activities for the rotation are completed in accordance with the objectives.
To meet at least weekly with the resident during the rotation to review the progress of the resident.
To prepare a reading list of appropriate reference for the resident to review prior to and during the rotation (if applicable).
To schedule meetings or visits for the resident with other hospital departments, pharmacies, or professional groups which will enhance the resident’s understanding of the subject areas.
To provide appropriate feedback to the Program Coordinators (if necessary) regarding the resident’s progress mid- way in the rotation so that deficiencies or problems can be identified early and rotations can be lengthened/ altered if necessary. If the resident is failing the rotation at the midpoint evaluation, the preceptor needs to contact the Program Coordinators as soon as possible. In addition, the preceptor should complete a written evaluation form and indicate in writing what areas the resident needs to improve, and specify what standards need to be met in order for the resident to successfully pass the rotation.
To complete a written evaluation at the end of the rotation and review this with the resident.
To submit the rotation evaluation and copies of all projects or assignments completed during the rotation to the Program Coordinators.