To ensure that a mutual exchange of feedback occurs between the rotation preceptor and resident during each end of rotation evaluation discussion.
To provide feedback to rotation preceptors at the completion of the rotation.
To provide information to rotation preceptor regarding residents’ progress and identified areas of weakness from previous rotations, so future rotations can be modified as needed.
To assist resident in allocating time and prioritizing activities.
To provide verbal feedback to the resident following all presentations/ discussions; if unable to attend, arrange with rotation preceptor or practice leader to give feedback to the resident.
To conduct midyear performance appraisal of resident.
To encourage resident to become actively involved in appropriate professional activities.
To ensure resident meets both program and personal goals and objectives.
To serve as Ontario College of Pharmacists ( OCP ) preceptor, reviewing internship report for submission to the College
To encourage resident to seek out the opinions, advice and guidance of other staff in the hospital in order to help them with decision-making processes, in preparation of their project proposal and development of their research question.