The resident, during the course of the year, is expected to complete a minimum of three (3) presentations (2 mandatory ambulatory care, 1 research). These should be formal presentations, of which the format may be a case presentation, a therapeutic review, a drug review, conference update, etc.

  1. Case presentations

    This is a formal presentation of an interesting or difficult patient case history, disease state, and pharmacotherapeutic intervention and outcome.


    • 45-50 minutes for presentation of material
    • 10-15 minutes for questions and discussion
    • overhead transparencies or slides
  2. Therapeutic Reviews

    This is a formal presentation of a specific focused clinical question and its current pharmacotherapeutic management. This presentation is to take the format of a continuing education talk, focusing on critical appraisal of the literature pertinent to the question asked.


    • 45-50 minutes for presentation of material
    • 10-15 minutes for questions and discussion
    • overhead transparencies/slides
    • handouts including references
  3. Journal Clubs

    This is the critical review and summary of a current primary literature article. The article may be an interesting case report, case series, pharmacokinetic study, in vitro study, or a clinical trial. The resident is expected to critique the material using principles of evidence-based medicine. The resident should also provide comments on how the results may affect clinical practice.

    • 25-50 minutes for presentation of material, including questions and discussion
  4. Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy Presentations

    This is a presentation of an interesting or controversial pharmacotherapy issue within a specialty area. Principles of evidence-based medicine are used, focusing on critical appraisal of the literature pertinent to the question asked. Refer to document on Evidence-based Pharmacotherapy Presentations for additional details.


    • using principles of evidence-based medicine, discuss how findings from the literature (e.g., 1-2 key articles or studies) support or answer the therapeutic dilemma, and apply these observations to clinical practice
    • circulate summary of patient case, pharmacotherapy question, and reference citation to all of the practice leaders, program coordinator and residents at least 1 week prior to your scheduled presentation.
    • overhead transparencies