Membership in the HIV PSG is free to any pharmacist in Ontario who has an interest in the pharmaceutical care of people living with or at risk of HIV. Members will be part of an electronic mailing list so that they can receive all electronic correspondence from the group including all presentations and meeting minutes. They will also have access to all networking capabilities of the group.
Planning Committee:
- The planning committee members are responsible for the coordination of the annual meetings, sponsorship, networking, correspondence, and public relations pertaining to the group.
Annual Meetings:
The group will meet once a year at the annual HIV Pharmacy Education Day held in partnership with the Ontario HIV Treatment Network.
All meetings will have at least one plenary lecture addressing an educational topic of interest identified by the group. All meetings will close with group sharing in the form of case presentations, conference updates, working group project reports, etc.
A post-meeting report will be forwarded to the group within 4 weeks following the meeting.