How can you get support and encouragement?
If you have a supportive partner or family, show them your medication schedule for both support and encouragement.
Join an HIV support group that discusses medication issues.
If your regimen is complicated, ask your doctor or pharmacist to find ways to simplify your regimen

FAQ's Menu
- FAQ's
- Why take antiretrovirals?
- Why is it important to take medications regularly?
- Why do certain drugs have to be taken with food and others taken on an empty stomach?
- What if you have side effects?
- Should you lower your drug dose if you are having side effects?
- Is it safe to take antiretrovirals with other medications?
- Is it safe to use alcohol or recreational drugs while you are on antiretroviral therapy?
- Why should medications be stored under specific conditions?
- What are some suggestions and tips to help make taking medications easier?
- Who should you tell if you are having problems?
- How can you get support and encouragement?
- Credits