Your First Visit – Information on what to bring and what to expect during your first visit to the clinic.
Guide to Services – Information on services available at the Immunodeficiency Clinic.
Access to Treatment – Presents the many different avenues of access to approved and unapproved conventional and unconventional treatments for HIV/AIDS and OI’s.
Paying for Medication – Ensures that you have the information you need to get the funding you require to pay for your important prescription drugs.
Medication Reimbursement – A listing of the reimbursement status of HIV Drugs in Ontario.
Frequently Asked Questions on Taking Antiretrovirals – Brings together the most asked questions on how to take antiretrovirals and manage side effects and drug interactions.
Medication Fact Sheets – Fact sheets on antiretrovirals and other commonly used agents, in both English and French
Glossary – List of frequently used terms and their definitions.

Patient Care Objectives
- To provide continuous, comprehensive patient-centred care to patients and their loved ones
- To provide specialized inter-professional care that includes medical, pharmacological, psychosocial, and functional services.
- To consult and liaise with other service providers connected with the patient to ensure all aspects of patient’s care is connected
- To facilitate rapid diagnostic services and appropriate subspecialty consultation to referring family physicians
- To refer patients to other professionals/programs when additional services are required