The goal of the residency program is to prepare graduates for successful careers in HIV specialty pharmacy practice. Experience in a variety of practice areas fosters the development of a strong knowledge base, and promotes the acquisition of skills, values and attitudes appropriate to the pharmacist as a member of the health care team, in the provision of optimal pharmaceutical care.


To acquire an appropriate degree of knowledge of various HIV-related topics in order to adequately and efficiently identify, resolve, and prevent drug-related problems in the HIV-infected population.

To allow the resident to develop and expand critical thinking skills in order to analyze and integrate pertinent disease, drug and patient data and concepts for the purposes of providing effective pharmaceutical care.

To develop an understanding and appreciation of the role of the pharmacist in a specialty outpatient care service, in order to effectively function as a member of an integrated health care team.

To develop the resident’s skills related to effective communication, both written and verbal.

To develop the resident’s proficiency in the delivery of educational programs to other members of the health care team; presentations may include case presentations, case discussions, therapeutic review, and presentation of results of a research project.

To develop the resident’s understanding of basic research design including identification of a problem or question, systematic investigation, and proposal of a solution. The resident shall undertake and successfully complete a project related to HIV pharmacotherapy or pharmacy practice.

To develop an awareness and appreciation of the challenges associated with complex HIV pharmacotherapy, in order to function as an innovative practitioner, role model, and educator for other pharmacists and health care professionals.