Case Presentation
To present a patient and discuss his/her disease state(s) and drug management in a manner that is clear, concise and interesting.
- should be well organized
- should have good eye contact with audience
- should be enthusiastic about the material presented
- pace should be slow enough for understanding but quick enough to prevent inattention.
- content is delivered completely within the time allotted.
- presentation of the patient should be concise and systematic
- should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease state(s)
- should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the drug management is able to explain differences
between optimal therapy versus the actual course of treatment - presents information at a level suitable to the audience; easily adapts
- presentation style or level to the audience present
- handles questions easily
Handouts and Visual Aids
- handouts should be organized and well referenced
- overheads/ slides should be uncluttered, easily read and understood
- use of the pointer/ board should be natural, not awkward