Reporting Relationships:
- The resident is responsible to:
- the designated preceptor for each rotation
- – the Program Coordinators
Note: The resident is primarily responsible to the designated rotation preceptor who is responsible for ensuring the fulfillment of rotation goals and objectives. The rotation preceptor should always be consulted before assignment of responsibilities or projects outside of the rotation.
- The resident may also discuss issues regarding preceptors, rotations, and/or the residency program with the external Residency Advisor (i.e., Faculty of Pharmacy representative).
- In case of need of absence (sickness, etc), the Program Coordinators and current rotation preceptor should be notified by 8:30 am.
Major Responsibilities:
- To fulfill the goals and objectives of each rotation.
- To complete a major project by the end of the residency program.
- To present and participate in case presentations, HIV rounds, case discussions, and other
relevant activities as assigned.