Project Goals and Objectives
The resident shall undertake and successfully complete a project related to HIV pharmacy practice. The resident will obtain an understanding of basic research design. This will include identifying a problem or question, conducting a systematic investigation and arriving at a solution.
- The project need not be an original idea or issue but must include data analysis and collection.
The general steps to be followed will include:- problem identification,
- determining information currently available,
- setting out alternative methods to solve the problem,
- selecting an experimental method,
- collecting the data,
- summarizing and critically analyzing the findings,
- stating the solution and / or developing recommendations,
- suggesting further research work
- Selection of a project will be accomplished with the guidance and assistance of the Program Coordinators and project preceptor.
A list of possible projects will be discussed with the resident and a selection made during the first quarter.A preceptor will be identified who will take full responsibility of the resident’s work related to the project.
- If necessary, the project will be approved by the hospital ethics board.
- The project must be accomplished in the eight week allotted time.
- A final written report of the project must be submitted by the resident to the Program Coordinators and Project Preceptor. This report shall be compiled and organized for publication and will contain:
- a title page
- acknowledgments
- a one- page abstract ( up to 250 words )
- introduction
- methodology
- results
- discussion including recommendations and relationship to literature reports
- suggestions for further research
- references
- appendices, where needed
A bound copy of the final document will be filed with the Faculty of Pharmacy.
The resident has a maximum of two months to submit the final written report. After this time, a residency certificate will not be granted.