Antiretroviral Trials
Currently Enrolling
The ProSPAR Study: Progesterone Supplementation for HIV-positive Pregnant women on Anti-Retrovirals
Contact: Rosemarie Clarke or Adri D’Aquila
(416)340-4800 ext. 6723 or (416)340-4800 ext. 8170
Not Enrolling, but Ongoing
Study of an HPV VLP Vaccine in a Cohort of HIV Positive Girls and Women
Sponsor: University of California, Los Angeles, Merck, Case Western Reserve
Contact: Rosemarie Clarke
(416) 340-4800 ext. 6723 or
Adriana D’Aquila
(416) 340-4800 ext. 8170
Completed Studies with Results
Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS)